How can I access my DNS-323?

The simplest way to access your DNS-323 is to use the Easy Search Utility provided on the CD-ROM. This will automatically detect any DNS-323 devices on your network, allow you to set up network drives in Windows, perform basic configuration and access the web configuration interface.

Alternatively, you can use your Internet browser to access the web configuration. The default address for this is If you cannot access the DNS-323 at this address, it is likely that another device or computer on your network has assigned it a different address; in this case, use the Easy Search Utility to determine the new address.

Once configured, you can access the data on your DNS-323 in several different ways. Using the Easy Search Utility, you can assign the DNS-323 one or more (depending on your setup) drive letters in Windows and use it just like an internal hard drive.

You may also access it like a regular Windows share on a network, by typing its IP address into Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) as <IP address\ (e.g.

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